Gmail app for windows phone
Gmail app for windows phone

gmail app for windows phone

Windows 10 will include Internet Explorer 12 and Spartan, so the unknown right now is if Windows 10 for phones will remove Internet Explorer and switch to Spartan as is default browser, but equally if the email client goes for full Word rendering or not.Communication takes various forms today and one of the most commonly encountered is the email exchange with which most users are accustomed already.ĭepending on the preferred service provider, Windows Phone users can opt for specialized mail clients to use onto their devices. Windows Phone 8/8.1 decides to render with IE 7 standards in the email client by default, compared to 7.5/7.8 which uses IE 9, the most modern available document mode, it makes no sense, but forcing edge solves the issue for Windows Phone 8, again thanks to Michael on finding that original point out.

  • Windows Phone 7 - IEMobile 7 (No CSS3 support seems it used a hybrid of IE7/IE8).
  • The version of the Windows Phone OS essentially dictated what version of IE/IE Mobile was integrated into the OS. The X-UA-COMPATIBLE meta tag is specific to Internet Explorer and your correct, its used to "force" certain document modes, which could be edge or a specific IE version. Rumour has it, its engine is another version of Trident and features tight integration with Cortana amongst other areas, but ultimately designed for mobile and syncing across multiple devices.Ĭan't wait for the preview to drop to test some of this stuff out! Not much detail has been revealed about it, and I don't believe its going to be in the upcoming Windows 10 preview builds.

    gmail app for windows phone

    I don't know what role Spartan will play in the new Windows 10, its a new browser, but doesn't appear to be a replacement for IE, not yet anyway. Maintaining two different engines in one product would of been difficult and time consuming so Microsoft changed this in Outlook 2007, beginning the mass outcry of every email developer hating Outlook 2007+ for its email rendering capabilities, with good reason too! The only saving grace would be if the new Word engine actually supports CSS3 and responsive as you mentioned Michael. I can't imagine Microsoft having the Word engine for formatting and something else for rendering email, this actually happened with Outlook 2003 where the Word engine was used for formatting and IE for rendering. It is sadly looking very likely that Microsoft Word will be the rendering engine. Again, until the preview build drops, a lot of this is speculation at this point, but this article caught my attention: That being said, there is chatter regarding universal apps being different and actually pre-installed with Windows 10. I'm pretty confident that it won't be the default mail app as its always been part of the Microsoft Office suite as you've mentioned, though you could obtain it separately with the standalone suite packages, that's less likely these days with Microsoft offering Office 365 subscriptions over the old once off cost packages, similar to how Adobe Creative Cloud is over the Creative Suite versions.

    gmail app for windows phone

    Currently Microsoft does not have a public build available that contains the Office touch apps, and the preview for phones build has not yet been released but should be dropping sometime in February. I'll be getting my hands on a build of Windows 10 Technical Preview and of Windows Phone 10 (Which will likely be branded as just Windows 10) when they are released through the Windows Insider programme. Microsoft Word, enough said really, if its anything like the Desktop currently, oh dear.

    gmail app for windows phone

    Happy for consitency across the three platforms and sad because, well. If it does turn out to be Microsoft Word for rendering email, I am both happy and sad to hear this news. While Windows Central mentions formatting, I would take that as perhaps the rendering engine as well, but its too early to tell at this point. Something which is already in use on the desktop client, but isn't part of the Outlook Mobile client on Windows Phone currently, as it has used IE Mobile for rendering since Windows Phone 7. Not much information on the Outlook client itself currently, but an interesting note in the article was reference to the Microsoft Word engine. It has also been announced that it will be the default email client in Windows 10, replacing the current calendar and email Metro apps in Windows 8/8.1. It will be a universal app across all platforms. Its been revealed that Windows 10 will include a redesigned Outlook email client.

    Gmail app for windows phone